Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Freelance Client: The Ring of Fire

Upon graduating college, I figured within a month I would be sitting in a huge design firm, popping out life changing graphics. Of course, that's what I had dreamed about, but dreams only sometime come true. Instead I have found myself struggling to get a job due to lack of experience. My words of wisdom to those who are still in school, GET AN INTERNSHIP! I have graduated and I am now PRAYING for one.
Anyways, one thing I didn't want to do was continue doing freelance work, however I find myself being somewhat successful doing it. Yes, clients can be a pain in the ass and nothing you make for them is 'perfect' or  'what they thought it would be.' I can't read minds so you HAVE to tell me EVERY detail, but that is another story. Anyways, I just met with the owner of the Ring of Fire and they are doing a re branding of the bar. They are moving away from the good ole boy theme, and going to a, yes you guessed it, beach theme. I love the country theme, but if it is going to change I am glad that I have a hand in what it will look like. Tomorrow, I begin using my Fine Art degree by painting a mural in the bar. After that I will help create the new logo and branding, and redo their sign out front. I am pretty excited to start on this in that I haven't been able to do my fine art as much as I would like too. I will keep posting updates daily.

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